Transferring Contacts From Iphone To Android-hello and welcome the
handride.blogspot.com. Android smartphone. you will most likely want to transfer and sink. all your iPhone contacts to your Android phone. it sent easy process and there are several ways to do it. I will surely the most desirable easiest and quickest way. now before I start I just wanna let you know that iPhone has the inability to. store and sink. all your contacts to your I cloud account. Android has a similar feature where it can store and sink.
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all your contacts to your Gmail account or your Google account. so essentially you will be transferring your contacts. from I cloud to Gmail and then you'll sink. gmail contacts to your Android smartphone. now the first thing I want to do is win. I want you to make sure that your iPhone is currently sinking. its context i close if you go to your phone. as you can see I have three or four arm.
sample contacts what I want to do is I want to make sure this is being linked. to Miike load account so if you go to Settings. if you scroll down to assist I quote. make sure contact CA's. all so you can you can't have it all. okay castle that for you can have it. home so make sure that's all so your sink. to i close once you have done this I want you to switch over to your computer. and lets I do this step by step.
Videos Transferring Contacts From Iphone To Android
okay sure the first step is to go I cloud dot com. wondered there. when you're there just logged in with your usual username and password. issues with Apple T. and once you're logged in go to contacts. from here as you can see I have three contacts in my. our contact book so what I want to do is on 12. export these you know v-card format so that I can go in. import them into my Google account so what you wanna do you want to go at the. bottom here and you want to first and foremost.
select all as you can see. here only Davis selected and when you click this whole release a selected. if you wanna are export everything you gonna transfer everything you just need. to select. all so good on here click Select All. and then go down here again click that and click. export be cord should as you do that. he's gonna download a/v cord to a computer. okay effect if you go to my downloads folder. here it is it says crystal. mikhail and to others so this the two others right there. now once you you you have done this now you can switch. yours to Google Doc com actually gonna go to gmail dot com. because gmail is where contacts are managed for Gmail accounts. so let me log into my account so from here. who dis gmail icon right here click it a mixed-use contacts from the drop down.
menu. so quick contact and as you can see I have nothing in my contacts. you may have some email addresses see it here which you have been using to email. back and forth. with people but that does not matter which you can now do is you can do. more and you can do and import okay so when you click this. is gonna ask you who please select a CSV file. or v-card file know when we do want export on the Mac. on allman I'm sure you in the eye cloud exports V cork. so that I could choose File and look for.
v-card while and there we go which is crystal mikhail. and to others okay and I have two of them because I clicked. download twice by mistake so anyway click click and choose any one of them. once you're ready click Import. and look what happened we have easily imported. three contacts from I cloud. to my gmail contacts center and this can be done for thousands of contacts. okay so let's switch back to my Android phone and show you how to. next tutorial Transferring Contacts From Iphone To Android
complete. this transfer official let's go to my of phone real quick and take a look at the. contacts. I have nothing okay so let's get outta here. and go to Settings. and look for our Google it accounts. chief is cool down here's my Google account. and that's my email address to use to export the contacts from my Klout. so let's go inside it real quick and make sure the contacts.
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sink is an able okay so quick that. and as you can see it says sinking contacts. so let's go back out and go back to my phone. and instantaneously that we contacts which were imported from my iPhone. now show up in my android phone. so that's the process and that's ok easy it is. so just to summarize you go to your I cloud accounting you. export all your contacts in the V card.
format then you go to your Google account in your Gmail account. 100 contacts you import the V card. okay and then when you're done you go to your Android phone. and you make sure it's sinking with your Gmail contacts. account and that brings us to the end of this video.thanks very much Transferring Contacts From Iphone To Android