Move Photos From Iphone To Pc by
handride.blogspot.com I and Skyler I'd like to show you how I use photostream which is part of iPod. to transfer photos quickly easily from my iphone to my computer. first go to Settings and good I climb. and make sure that photostream is turned on this option here.
Move Photos From Iphone To Pc Update 2015
now go to photos. slight photostream at the bottom. and in the upper left tap the plus symbol. given a name. K make sure that is a private website and I'm not going to invite. anyone else to the shared photo stream tap create. and now I've got one call transfer one. by tap on this blue triangle I can see that it doesn't have any subscribers. if you tap on it. you'll see that is never shared photos yet so let's fix that. next Move Photos From Iphone To Pc.
top on albums and let's just say. grab anything from any album to edit. select a few different photos and tap add. to arts art tap share tapped photostream. then tap the album you just me post. and all of them are now being sent up to I. that so let's switch over to the computer okay here I've got. iPhoto open and I can see all my different photos change because I.
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selected from the left hand side. remember to turn on photostream. in your system preferences under I Klatt I'm going to click on that album I just. made. and once it downloads them will be able to see. all those photos there we are. personally I find that's the easiest way to transfer images. using iPod from my iPhone to my computer. thanks for watching
Move Photos From Iphone To Pc.