How To Put Music From Iphone To Computer-handride.blogspot.com - hey guys it is getting when teacher to. transfer music from your rights as they bring it's your iPhone iPad or iPod. touch. anyways on Facebook make your I fix your computer opening up. items so this is the latest version of iTunes okay. so that the dispersion is 12 points for I mean 12.22. on once you have it all up in thank. your rifle connected or your iPad touch you will see a great here. on the left hand side okay. sorry for anything just click called there. and is the first time I'm sinking up this iPhone so.
How To Put Music From Iphone To Computer
Put Music From Iphone To Computer |
it will take some time okay so. from here are you guys have to is well you can make a backup at this moment. okay by the what we want to do is. action me just that transfer music. over so there's various ways when you can sync with. over wifi you can also purchase sink. checked songs and videos on and we're actually gonna do that. recover commit we're gonna play we are gonna erase. sink so as you know you can sync up to 10. cuter sickly arm so whatever if you had another computer. in got different music whatever music you have on this current computer will replace.
that that you have in your life right now if it's a month in the worry about. it just. erase and sync which are about them. should transfer it's the music that I have so I don't have the MuchMusic. it's only about the Sox hidden that's about it and the most you will have a. huge leverage. and that so this will take a little bit longer aren't these the fast way of just. transferring your music over. okay I do suggest always making a backup on your iTunes. arm just because this will not take take up space on your I quote okay I to. separately will keep all your files.
break you're on your computer nice safe so once you do that once you. select checked songs and everything. should be good on at this point. where you guys can't do is just on your left hand side you'll see. aP's music and so on so it's just going to music. and let's activate so this just click right here. okay and we know we can actually changes and we can just not. it's like music but with just like this i want for example. or you guys can just select entire music library. any guys just but apply.
Videos How To Put Music From Iphone To Computer
and this will sync up your whole way so at this point yeah I'm gonna sing to me. entirely every but I should you guys have to wait if you guys just one. specific problems. or songs okay so once you put applied just put in sink one more time. and let that sucks transfer over now this should. take not much leaving if you guys have a bunch songs. it shouldn't take that long sync up but yeah that's the. main thing that you guys doing or its transfer music over.
in your iPhone succinct up aren't getting enough to disconnect that you. can disconnect then you'll see this. so you will see recently at it its once you open up. up same things iPhone has been update it so you can. you know you have two small radio thing arm just at this. and you can join this for three months one you want this. I've I always put no thanks for now I'm gonna do that later on. on but anyways once you have your Abu for example. you can just click on the first song comes up you can just press play. known cure below okay he pressed play on it. so. was sick Rico so the press play on it. then okay if you guys pressed play rate here love this should come up.Next tutorial How To Put Music From Iphone To Computer
and then you can see the rest sucks just by pressing on power. right hand side to see starts pipelines so. don't here. okay so those lights just click on those you'll see all the songs. inside the album okay. so it's just one way there's million someplace to look at our homes in this. ops. on way about that I but anyways that's it yet. it's thought we'd do it that's how it's gonna look in your phone's gonna sink up. right away. sure work right away so this is pershing 8.
4 with annual is a cop and. and that's about it about this goes for everything pretty much. your ops it from your job seeking are installing stop them from here. you can even transfer information me from each up specifically. same thing goes for movie screen TV shows okay. on books and so on I don't really do anything else. such as photos and all that stuff I just leave that up to 40 slavery.
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X if your Mac if your own PC then I with sink. for sure this option rate here. okay so if your PC Windows eight with survey whichever. just up a check mark in sync it up I from. this someone back right now so I have my photos. and that's the way the get transferred over other than that that's heat. transfer music guys if you guys have any comments questions correct and don't. hear below. the commentary and don't forget scrape and the rate .thanks for read
How To Put Music From Iphone To Computer