Iphone 5 Ear Speaker Not Working-hey guys so today I want to.
article to show you how to. be speaker in iphone. up so first the ball. or we get started I wanna go. over a few tools that we're going to be using on this procedure this is a pen to. Loeb. or torques it's called in its size 0 as you can see in their. and thats to remove the bottom screws. there's two screws right here in the bottom irony remove them but i wanna. shown to you. so you gonna wanna remove those first next wield. be also be using as a floor phillips screw driver his size 000.
Iphone 5 Ear Speaker Not Working
as you can see rain here and. you are probably gonna be one use in a tweezers. I'll be using one anyways and also a flat screwdriver. this is just a little flat on I'll also be using this handy little suction cup. tool that I got I want to show it to you. it's a really a handy little tool it's like nine bucks. and it's a very much easier than trying to just use.
a suction cup like this on top of the screen I've done this before. but believe me this is much easier so if you're going to do any opening at all. I highly recommend getting one of these ninety these tools that I'll be using. on clue links in the video description where I found them so you guys can find. an easy. this for the best price and so any any parts I'm gonna be using in this on. click links in the video description as well. to not to use this tool I need to do is. next Iphone 5 Ear Speaker Not Working
take this out it sets in here sideways like this and its support for the. the whole phone now they recommend putting all the way down against here. I don't wanna do that cuz I like keeping is closer to home but as I can. but just make sure to just go above the home button so you get plenty of suction. if you that I like this or if your church if you have a suction cup like. this new one attempt at like that just Argo just above the home button. otherwise it doesn't wanna. suction very good right there with that so I need to do with this tall. just pry up an pops right up just like that now. if you're screen hasman partner long time is really dirty in there.
what happens is right here in the screen I'll try to show it. there's a little not train here in this corner of the screen so what you can do. if you have something really fine. like a tweezers or something is a square usually starts up first. and without getting any necks on the frame here you wanna try to get right. under here and just. primary carefully from times you can I use a flat screen or sometimes but has. to be really thin even a razor blade will work. just make sure you don't damage the screen and soul. then if you the to like this I need to do has tabs but I can also just prior. bring here and it comes. that comes out and then you can flip it down you can get rid of this. like that and as you can see this is a very handy tool to have.
Iphone 5 Ear Speaker Not Working like I said it there was like nine bucks I think so. it's awesome tool Sonex what you wanna do. is step this up very carefully don't go too far. and you don't want to go all the way straight and then there's this little. plate right here. but has three screws in it and I'll try to point them out. there's one there one there in one there as you can see. and so just make sure to take them in order. these two are the same size but this one's different and you know if you have. a magnetic tip screwdriver which I do. you know that this tops you hear is not magnetized that I tell the difference. which ones the top one. but I would recommend just taken them out in order Sonex after you have the. screws out. display will pretty much just slide sideways money the tweezers I can get in. your handy.
to slide sideways and just gets right on their now what I would recommend just. make sure that you put your screws annis. safe area we're not gonna bump amor lose 'em in the carpet or whatever you have a. floor underneath you. be sure to keep back from the edge and also just to make sure that you put them. in order and I like to put him right with the parts that I took out. and Liam in the proper order that way you know you know this year was here. this q's here the school here. so just my personal preference so that's what you wanna do. I like these a plastic pride tool for removing connectors just sell it for.
sure doesn't show anything out. and. you can do with metal ones but I prefer plastic now you're just wanna go. and remove the connector for the front camera. through the connector for the LCD and remove the connector for the digitizer. so there's three connectors right there as you can see. and they'll K-mart just like that. next you on to remove these two screws are here they're both so its use in. their different link so you wanna keep them in the right order. next you want to remove this cover after you take in the screws out. set that aside the team's earpiece speaker. what you need to do is now that this covers of you can describe it offer here.
comes off just like that so once you have your new part. scrappy new part and you can see where this has to go now hold their you to set. it down in there. go ahead and get this cover here. for that and then make sure that everything still seated. really well before %um push down too hard. and then you won't take too long screwing. go up here and now this can be kind of a pain because. the speaker here has a magnet and so the screws wanna. always pull to the side so excuse me. reaching the camera in there I just put this issue in this UN and you're good to. go. so not to reassemble the front screen. this connector here the very bottom connector. goes the furthest up their home that spot the next one goes.
in the middle there and then of course this one goes on on the site here. and you can see what you say I'm down there you can see what I mean. so you just grab your screen and you just bring it down here. and I just use my fingers sometimes you it can be a little bit of a pain lining. them up. then all the sudden I just click rain in sometimes they go. the first time when you want to do them. there's no one next you can just feeling snappin. known you wanna do that one and then. we have to do this protective cover here. no holes and down this plea and what you wanna do is kinda set it down. like this and it kinda has a slide that way.
and you have to kind of push down here cuz there has holes that it wants to. slide into now this is a little tricky almost after. hold it like this and then what I like to do. is put this for security here. and if you can get that screw in right there. that corner one the now hold that your plate won't go anywhere now. then you can go ahead and put that skew in and that's good. to next after you have those cruise n. then we're gonna want to take the screen you gonna wanna. set this down in here for Skynet at an angle like this you can see and I have. tipped. and she want to get the top in first the news wanna set this down anyone iconic.
just start work in this town and just a little bit at a time. if it its stubborn little bit just kinda go back and forth and then. as you can see it's kind of setting in nice. when you wanna go ahead and put your two screws back in. we're gonna wanna put her sim card back in. men for the moment of truth. so not for the last part if we've done everything correctly in it turns on. and we can use everything different things work like this. you can open it up your YouTube. 18 see the home button works everything's working so there you go. and just remember that and Heath many parts to use any tools I use on Kling. links in the video description anything that I think might be helpful to you. and. and thanks so much for read Iphone 5 Ear Speaker Not Working