How Do You Jailbreak An Iphone 4-you guys Brennan from talking on that Khan if you can wait to jailbreak your. iPhone now is in really good time even if you have an iPhone 4. reason being that a new web-based jailbreaking tool was just released. lucky jailbreak your phone in less than two minutes. it's incredibly easy apartments at it now we see that jailbreaking is so. interesting is the is it allows you to load on. third-party applications they can change the entire.
How Do You Jailbreak An Iphone 4
How Do You Jailbreak An Iphone 4 |
iPhone experience and really fix all the problems. really into the iPhone Apple still hasn't this for example the lock screen. after you jailbreak in download an application that will allow you to put. i'm new messages on your lock screen the weather sports scores. really giving your all that empty space some light. another thing you can do after you jailbreak is at by icons to the bottom. dock in Sturgis poorly at inches at. and another thing that you can you after you jailbreak.
How Do You Jailbreak An Iphone 4 is loading themes on here i thought id make it look a lot different than any. other iPhone out there. it seems that every I thought is just icon after I had because that's how. Apple things you're I. your iPhone chin up so this is the only tell you what I've done. after jailbreak my iPhone let's get to it polled. the. no jailbreaking isn't for everyone. it believes your party although you can always restore your phone back to the. way it was. for a job bro and also many people that you have a job working iPhone 3GS. or below find that the device gets lower and battery life gets compromise now. with the iPhone 4. which has a bigger battery and a faster CPU. this is not really the case I've been using many different weeks and my. battery life. hasn't been affected that much it definitely has been a little bit but not. enough to where I. wouldn't wanna keep it jailbroken so let's talk about some other things that.
I did I'm no expert on this. and I'm kinda beginner so what we have here on my lock screen is a couple. things. I gotta look into my email and you can add multiple. email accounts and I also have the weather I can tap on. wannabes emails and bringing a quick view which is really awesome so I'm. gonna. unlock my device to read this email or to know that I have a new enough from. somebody. that I do or do not want to hear from so it's very convenient to have that. when i unlock the device now and I got a few tweaks down here for example. and change the carrier name appeared a pocket now with the simple program. card a.m. I am make it mine I took away all the love the.
How Do You Jailbreak An Iphone 4 Review
and the labels here with a program called week your face. down here and talk about that in a minute. now there's a few other tweaks to me that I will talk about the first let me. go to Safari. and show you how to jailbreak your iPhone it can be an iPad 2 now. okay so I'm going to go to. jailbreak me dot com and by the way also any new message notification in the. upper right corner that something you don't get out of the box but it makes a. lot of sense. you should be able to see within a glance from any program whether you have. a new email. enjoy that you this Windows Mobile that you do this mean you should be able to. do that on the iPhone.
so here you go this is how you jailbreak your phone you slide it. and within two minutes you'll have a new program that is called Cydia. and of course with that label he can't tell but this one is Cydia and basically. it's like a parallel. App Store that has tons of free applications allow you to tweak your. iPhone. there's something else that don't ears with a tap and hold love. the center button I get this quick launch area at the top where I can. instantly talk on of WiFi Bluetooth say their data. I can get to the brightness to control within a touch without having to date.
into you at the settings menu on the iPhone. another thing I've done is added. a program I believe it's caught five icon dock so that. you know down here there's only four icons allowed well actually. you can do 5 with this little application granted they get a little. bit scrunched up especially if you have. email notification there but it's pretty cool now you can five. icons in your Dock summit bring that back out here. something else that is. super key hi when you when you jailbreak your iPhone is to get a program. that is called my why now this actually cost money if you want to use it.
more than just for a couple of days but it turns your iPhone into a portable. hotspot. and this has been the case this is then available on Windows Mobile an injury. for very long time. but you can't do this with the iPhone have the box but when you jailbreak you. can download this application. you gotta make sure you have an unlimited data plan your ass you gonna. go over pretty quickly. but it works very well I tested this earlier with my laptop. as getting 1.5 megabits per second down in about 1.4 megabits per second. up critical also an application to have once you jailbreak your iPhone. okay what I do wanna do not pick lease go into Cydia.
which is sort of the the parallel application store it's hard to describe. but it lets you download these third party applications. that change the functionality of your device but dramatically to go over here. two sections this list all the applications. I love this is free there's another more premium application expert has it or you. could call it called rock. which has a lot 4k applications things that cost into. five dollars so let's go down to something here. and find something that would be interesting so let's go to say. teams and a hundred percent wouldn't team that could be interesting or maybe.
not. and so sometimes it was a description here it is. a for winterboard theme is fully wood and this is what it looks like so it's. just simple he has. wouldn't back and nothing terribly spectacular so we could in style. and confirm and it's about $440 per kill. kilobits kilobytes okay and it's done 29 going to go to which your face which is. that application. that allows you to load themes it's sort of a central application. and I keep on Twitter based on winterboard. soldiers new at this so when you select team I'm gonna check of. a winning team and now I'm gonna clear re spring and that will refresh.
interfaces takes about 10 seconds and I should have to win. theme something it doesn't always work yet to be patient and finding the right. ones. from interesting okay so I'll this date is change the wallpaper. in some cases it a totally change the icons how they look. so that was a quick look at what I've done to my iPhone within about. twenty-four hours jailbreaking there's a lot to learn. a little bit confusing up I'd say that at this point it's safe there are a lot. of things out there that you can do. to you in khaki I'm gonna make experience a lot more interesting so. just as a recap what I did. is I used IntelliScreenX to do the widgets.
on the last three I use a program called SP settings to get deep. drop down menu from up here I use Twitter face. to lose teams you something called and I am to change the carrier. up here and I also used a program caught by icon dock. to allow me to place five ICANN's in the dock on the bottom of the screen here. so please leave a comment if you've done anything interesting with your. jailbroken iPhone. and be sure to give this video a thumbs up if you liked it that's it for now. thanks for watching How Do You Jailbreak An Iphone 4.