How To Get Google Calendar On Iphone Hallo guys here at
handride.blogspot.com. and I thought to do something a little different and that is do something with. the. iPhone I I am an iPhone user and I'm also a user of Google Calendar and. apparently. not too long ago we will have to set up a way to sync your calendar and your. contact if you want over to your iPhone. and I basically taken into account your application which is already on here and. do this. populated with data from the from ago counter.
How To Get Google Calendar On Iphone Update
Google Calendar On Iphone |
now I personally don't really care about my google contacts right now I might. tackle at some other point. right now I just want to get my counter on here and we're gonna try to do is to. are to show you me doing here. and our and you know see how it actually works lol. let's go over to my iPhone screen he removed the camera will focus on the. iPhone or a good count on us. okay so we're looking at my phone here. I am I'm actually goes for going through the procedure here. Google outlined here's a look for clearer don't want to do is go over to. Settings.
there were to go down to the army or contacts and calendars. we're going to add a camera with a red gmail. here but i think thats for game I actually emailed here. at account we're gonna go after what Microsoft Exchange. and then we're actually going to. to set up the email field only know that starts Romeo. go take a quick call them ago and enter this code will be born to walk. do it okay are better the ER. the my username/password here email. ever going to quit next appeared tar ever. or certificate or. be there except okay. houses are to enter a new server ponr. médoc Google Doc are also going to do there there.
Videos How To Get Google Calendar On Iphone In Today
dark Google are. com next. and were verified here. now I don't want to sync my contacts occurred. this particular case but I do want to say my characters were. turned out or its say. sick he works change remove your existing calendar from your iPhone. I don't really care rush on here useful right now. are you sure you want to continue or kissing calendar will be removed from. your iPhone. yes and advocacy for configuring. sick for exchanges actually are apparently do it it's going right now. okay sure sitting here and i'm looking at my gmail account now one thing that i. need ur apparently. do is any detail Google which are my calendars to actually 60. works find a your opened have here. and we're going to go to are. see here am. dark cool. dark car I'm and. slash sick. see what happens here.
iPhone at school. are good so gather for counters here I can actually choose to sync up so. what I've actually going to do is choose I think Arkansas races like a slut up to. five pounders. say I for sure that's not really enough for me that I was going to say. up the wand and make the most sense for what I need to get done okay I've got. five. counter selected here now the work that hard work for my actor gmail account. apparently I'm. forced scripted takes a look at what I could non-selective I tried. so I selected four other ones I'll I want to be in that I use a lot. are you certain other counters are here for different purposes I want it had. selected the ones that for me made no sense as I would might need them on the. go. such as copper zeros are consulting things that I might do. whatever and then distraught love it's a.
Counter Strike Force. successful so obviously should start to say. never go back over to my counter our except the same gonna schedule however. probably there's over for a little bit should start a cigar medically. yeah it's just change color as importantly other counters yeah but I. don't know her account shows but. let's go back to yeah I Z it's got other. other stuff in here now so it is actually a it is actually sitting. properly which is nice. so that pretty much how you do it now it's not perfect mainly because it had. to extol got some limitations to. unfortunately by but it is it is. a lot better than nothing let's go shemales exchange for. through one other thing I want to mention here. his that is the help portion neighbor on the arthritic over here. to settings once again actually it looks like fresh new day it is set to push. right now. ticker Garcia want to make sure this is set to on because I.
that power is going to actually are. to do this automatically for you and I'm gonna go head for an hour to set it up. as every 15 minutes. actually you know what I'm a sucker for an hour doesn't need to be done that. often. and us so serious and organised. there should be good there and. 35 so it should our starters. think it's gonna take a longer time to actually get counted version if you. start sick here in just a bit. next tutorial How To Get Google Calendar On Iphone
so I wasn't too bad it works. pretty well here harming our it has actually convenient for me because I. actually use it him. for peace in a premium member you guys are gonna be seeing a video very shortly. about how I use Google Calendar. and I'm actually take you inside of my counter assure you. how a user and our and what I use a4. and I you know I especially for premium member Jackie seen that video you might. have. used for sinking in with your phone now I'm doing it on iphone here.
thing to keep in mind is that you don't have to have an iPhone use this year. also work on other types of phones I think it'll work on Windows Mobile. I don't have a problem screen here Windows Mobile. where a course I think Android powered phone simeon which i think is from Nokia. so. you don't need an iPhone so basically if your phone for is a smartphone you. should be able to do this interview at all. freezer I was pretty cool so anyway are. but if the river again I'll see you guys later.Thanks for read How To Get Google Calendar On Iphone