How To Get Android Apps On Iphone-admin
handride.blogspot.com if you've got an iPhone are a little bored with iowa's. and you're interested moonlighting with Google's Android operating system. you can dual boot with Android and I O S side by side on your iPhone in a few. relatively simple steps. I need to get started is in high OS device. right now the iPhone 3G has the best support and that's what we're using in. this guide. here's the quick version
How To Get Android Apps On Iphone
Get Android Apps On Iphone |
step 1: jailbreak your iPhone. you've got a number of jailbreaking options including punch tool. redsnow and blackrain pick one that works for your platform. download it and walk through the jailbreak process.
step 2 installed Google ace. in Cydia in order to do this you need launch Cydia from the home screen. tap on the manage button select sources. then tap Edit Ben add the repository only dad is. repo that neon koala .co.uk. tap add source let city work its magic. and then tap a newly added repository and installed. lace.
step 3: run blue lace in patch the kernel. if blue lace isn't on your home screen after you leave Syria. restore your iPhone and should be there than just large blue lace and let it. down on patch the kernel. when it's done tap on reboot and wait for your phone to reboot.
step 4: install open I boo. now launch boot lace again tapped the open I do. button and Tappan saw then continue. open I boot will download and install.
step 5: install my droid one so can I boot is installed. tapped the I jury button tapped install okay. and then way I druid which is essentially the Android OS customized. for your iPhone. will download and install this will take a while so be patient. if your battery is low you may wanna plug in your phone before you start. now you've officially installed Android on your iPhone.
Videos How To Get Android Apps On Iphone
time to play around with it okay so you certainly look at how. and read on your phone's performing right now as you can see it's normal. lockscreen. and slide to unlock works it's a little weird. and notification pulldown now works. I am I've got my a SIM card. the East from from my android in this and it can make calls to receive. you can see launching can be a little bit laggy. am same keyboard even know. you know actually works pretty well the. the screen on further sorry the the. lock button on top actually works as the back button.next
How To Get Android Apps On Iphone
the home button. works as the menu button I am. most the stuff is. sorta how you'd expect it's not great performance wise. the web works it's connected to the wifi my apartment right now. or maybe it's not but it does work with the wifi. had on earlier and. the volume burns also act as. and nor Adams phone number. the Romans also work as something I'm not really sure what I wanted. the I guess volume down. would be the equivalent a home yeah. throwing down the home button. holding this brings up. the keyboard in weird places sometimes. I'm been general it actually works surprisingly well.
power management still is in working so. when the screen turns off it's sorta doesn't turn off. I am me see if I can then I think. pushing both same time puts me in the lock screen them. and the yeah and then. CON if you want to join a shutdown. I'm buoy me see if I can remember. you hold on something that's not gonna do it. I'm which okay hold on. these two together and it brings up the power.
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of button so you can go power of. and it'll set down when it reached. at when you power back up you get the open I boot screen which I'll show you. in a second. and that allows you to to back in Iowa sorbent Android. or been to a console mode. okay. much. her back on your opened I boo you can go between your options by pressing the. lock button. and then select when you input into with the home button. that's all there is to it but.Thanks for read How To Get Android Apps On Iphone