How To Use Iphone Without Sim Card-hey what's up guys
handride.blogspot.com. teach you how to bypass this. activation screen this is for the iPhone 2g 3G 3GS. or four it doesn't work on the 4s it doesn't work on the iPhone 5. unfortunately anyways this is just a remake to the video I already had so if. you're stuck on this screen and you have a little slider at the bottom. and it just let you go to emergency calls just follow this industry had a. activate your iPhone and they didn't older video this is a remake because.
How To Use Iphone Without Sim Card
everything's changed and now it's been about a year. and this is much easier to follow what you need to do is download two things go. to my website. the link is in the video description and download the newest version I've read. Snow you see it's at the top 10 newest what is look for their.
absolute newest when you see it doesn't matter in this video I'm gonna be using. the particular version. but I know you're going to be watching it at a different time so it doesn't. really matter just the newest one. and indeed the firm or file for your device whatever version your iPhone is. run it's all mine is on for .2 .1. if you don't know a version it's on I'm gonna show you in a minute how to figure. that out anyways if you're stuck on this it says we're sorry we are unable to. continue with the activation or says there is no sim card in your iPhone. something along those lines don't worry this will fix all that.
Videos How To Use Iphone Without Sim Card
anyways just go to red snow once you download it and then watching it is. open it up if you have no idea what version your iPhone is on. at the bottom it'll tell you to say i fault then in print this is the first. numbers you see is the version. as you can tell mine says for .2 .1 so I'm on for .2 .1. and my iPhone is a 3G what I'm gonna do is download the 3G 4.2 point one form or. file. links to them are in the description for your iPhone is it going to be different.
than US what you gonna do is go to the Extra Stout and click Select IPSW find. your firmware file. obviously mine is different but it looks a little bit similar see it says right. here I for one coming to you from my 3G. the one common occurrence 3G daniel said the version. after that for point to point what yours might say 5.0 5.1 whatever version. you're a. anyways just click ok then it will say has been successfully identified. click OK then click back then what you do is click jailbreak.next How To Use Iphone Without Sim Card
give it a minute to load I so want it loads whatcha gonna do is. unchecked everything except for install Cydia so leave that one check. everything else uncheck it you don't need anything out years is gonna look. different from mine since I have an iPhone 3G which is really all. but I do really doesn't matter the only thing you need checked is install Cydia. anyways once you do that click Next then it's gonna make you put your iPhone into. D a few mode if you don't have to do that it'll give you the instructions by. Tom. I can show you how to do that to you first step is to plug in your iPhone to.
your computer. and power off and I'm sorry that this stuff videos a little weird it's cuz I'm. recording it like sideways because my tripod is too big to fit. on my desk but anyways that's besides the fact once you power of your iPhone. to let you click Next and once you click Next it'll give you the instructions for. DF you look don't worry. you can be a little of it doesn't have to be perfect US quit next and what you. gonna do is hold the power button. and want to see that happen hold both the home and the power button. in a way for it to turn off keep holding it like three seconds.
after work so it turned off one to 3 so that's good release the power button. continue holding the home button. and iTunes will pop up for this red snow will move once it does. either one of those things you can let go but for then. you have to keep holding it anyways my red snow moved from. they're all dirty if you mod instructions to the actual process to. you can like go once years does that.
are set my iPhone right there so you can see what's happening. and just give it a minute or two it let it do its thing and I'll be back once. all this is done. are you gonna see your iPhone doing all these crazy things it'll sit different. stuff on the bottom. don't worry all we're doing is bypassing the activation screen.
and wouldn't leave it alone don't worry about it too much just on employer. anything. it'll be done and now by the time you know it and what's going to happen at. the iPhone is gonna turn itself off and on and wanted us that. it'll be worth back to normal and bypass that activation screen. also even the red snow says it's done your iPhone will still be job breaking. and all that good stuff to leave it alone don't panic I'm sorry my camera. when other focus but on.
leave it alone it's not really done it threats now you can exit out a computer. issue really why. so he relaxes out that's not gonna affect it believe your iPhone plugged it. just in case it's dying near the battery life is for the better just leave it. alone. are as you can tell the i phone turned itself off and now it's carrying itself. back on your almost out. it's just gonna pretend to activate don't worry about anything else. RA you might see the activation screen again a panic saying it didn't go.
through. don't worry he came back and is it could tell he likes kept it. so now when you look at your iPhone just slide to unlock. and there's all the app's and you can use your iPhone now now mind does say. searching dot dot dot and.
you know if you have that problem with your iPhone I have a special series on. that but if you just need to activate in use your phone as an iPod Touch. here get to go you're done so thanks for watching this video guys please comment. rate subscribe. if you have any suggestions for future videos feel free to let me know and as. always if you have any questions leave them in the comments section below. Thanks for read How To Use Iphone Without Sim Card