Contacts From Android To Iphone hello and welcome to
handride.blogspot.com if you're switching from an Android smartphone to. an iPhone. you'll most likely want to transfer and sink all your Android contacts. to your new iPhone now it's an easy process and there are several ways to do. it. I will surely the most desirable easiest and the quickest way. now before I start I just want to let you know that the iPhone has the ability. to store and sink. all your contacts your I cloud account.
Contacts From Android To Iphone Tutorial
How To Contacts transfer From Android To Iphone |
Android has a similar feature where it can store and sink. all your contacts to your Gmail account or your Google Account same thing. so essentially what you'll be doing is you'll be transferring your contacts. from Gmail slash Google account to your. I cloud account and then you will simply sink. I cloud to your iPhone all you need to complete this task is a web browser. now before we move forward just make sure that when you go to your phone. your Android phone and you go to your settings that your Google account. is in fact link. to Android phone and that the contacts that you see right here Contacts From Android To Iphone.
are in fact sinking with your Google account. so that means whatever context you have on this phone. is currently in sync with the gmail account that is linked. to this device okay so make sure that is that check mark is take. so let's go ahead and switch to your computer and log into your Gmail account. right away. watch along a huge. count this is what you'll see obviously now which one it was on the top. left you'll see the Gmail icon you click that. and you choose contacts so here. you have I have three context see and it all just samples. okay so if you wanna export these what you do is you select all. okay and you click more. and then you do and export secret explore.
Contacts From Android To Iphone 2015
s gonna ask you here you want to export be selected contacts. yes so what you can do is you can say. that you wanna on export demand e-card format. okay its is right here for importing into. Apple address book okay should be card. and with a click Export and that's gonna download. a file to my downloads folder arm. not just that's all you're doing gmail know what you wanna do next as you wanna. go I cloud. dot com so switch gears and now we have to log into a club. perfect and washer logged in just click the context icon. and at the bottom there's a lil many button. so click that and click in pork beat cord.
so when you click that if you're taking your downloads folder. and you just wanna find the proper contacts. on the cork which is right here. okay and then click shoes. and there you go so all the three contacts were. imported to my I called address book. from my gmail now on a switch or to my. on iphone I'm actually how to get these sink. with my iPhone and then we'll be done okay sohn although we have transfer. all our contacts from our om gmail context for. I cloud account all we can do now is to actually sink.
the iPhone with our I clout account. a first let's go to the context here and as you can see we still have three. context your Android phone. and if you go to my phone on the iPhone there's nothing there. so all you do is you go to Settings and then you find. I quote which is right there. and you tap on contacts which turns it on. and the same should be instantaneous you go in there. now we have three contact Sean right up there. and I just wanna repeat that you can scale this method for thousands of.
context we get a $50 contact. contacts a hundred contacts under fifty. or whatever you need and that brings us to the end of this article.. give me a thumbs up if you liked this video and you can also connect with me. socially on Google+. Facebook and Twitter for which all the links are in the article. below and I will see the next time thanks read Contacts From Android To Iphone.