what to do if you drop your iphone in water-today
handride.blogspot.com we're gonna tell you what to do. if you drop your iPhone 5 and water and your best chances. a keeping the phone all live after. take its way. ticket submerged in water. families take it out a little bit and next. you gonna remove the to bottom screws from the.
What To Do If You Drop Your Iphone In Water Update
bottom housing and proceed to remove. the glass this class on this. particular iPhone 5 is a little shattered so we're using into. a razor blade to gently pry at the sides. you can see a lot of condensation moisture inside the device. so what we're gonna wanna do is first and foremost. remove the battery.
when you have connections the car can cause corrosion between the logic board. and that the lights now that you're removed all the screws from the logic. board and disconnected all the topside cable connectors. you know what I removed the the logic board from the housing.
so that any kind a liquid that might be pulling up. in the back housing I'll get a chance to dry out. if there's a moisture on the outside the logic board. you wanna die that dry with a lint-free tile. and then place the logic board itself. into this cellco or rice. let that sit for 24 to 48 hours. and reassemble and that's going to help your chances of having a. working iPhone 5 the in your favor text.thanks for read what to do if you drop your iphone in water